All Volunteer 100% Non-Profit, No Kill Rescue
95% Cage Free Cat and Kitten Rescue • Foster • Adoption • TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) • Spay/Neuter • Education
Our Mission
To end cat and kitten overpopulation & suffering. We will achieve this through rescue, fostering, adoption and educating the public on preventative spay and neutering as well as TNR (Trap, Neuter & Return).
Barn Cats
Donate/Make a Gift/ Volunteer
Your Time
You Need
to Know
Questions? More Info?
Contact Us!

Meet our cats and kitties needing a loving new family!
Learn more about our work on spay, neutering and TNR (Trap, Neuter and Return.)
Give your time and volunteer! Help with socialization, shelter care or rescue. Make a financial gift or shop our wish list. Give to save lives!
Know what to do if you find a nest of kittens. Learn more about cat/kitten "parenting" at home.
Stay connected. Contact us to learn how we can help you with adoption, rescue, or opportunities to give.

Our Story
A Happy Purr Lives in
Your Heart Forever
Julie Haas, Founder
The power of one. When Julie founded Garlic City Kitty Rescue, she was one woman taking on rescue, adoption and the humane treatment of feral cats. She opened her home to abandoned cats and kittens and tirelessly dedicated herself to establishing a not-for- profit rescue. Now, you can be the one to make a life changing difference. Community support, one volunteer at a time, makes it possible to save lives.
"Julie Supported Us the
Whole Time..."
"We fell in love with Houdini when we met him at Julie’s. He is the sweetest cat! The first few days he was stressed with the transition but Julie supported us the whole time to make sure he was okay and, gave us tips to help him adjust. New he is bonded with us and such a wonderful addition to our family. Thank you, Julie!” Melissa Prader, Hollister, CA
Looking Ahead
There's a lot to do! Shelters are overcrowded. The number of families ready to foster or adopt falls way behind the need. Millions of innocent cats and kittens, nationwide, are euthanized each year. It's up to you to take the lead. Make your contribution. Together we can build on the power of one and create a movement of kindness, ending cat and kitten suffering.